Privacy Policy
Welcome to the web site. We take your privacy very seriously. We take every precaution to ensure that your private information is kept just that, private. This Privacy Policy applies to our web site, and may be updated from time to time. You can always review the most current version here.
By visiting web site along with using any of its services you acknowledge that you accept the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions. The information below will outline the safeguards in place to ensure your utmost privacy.
Realty in Canada is a Real Estate websites. Its provides a safe and secure environment to its Internet users.
In this respect, is committed to uphold the highest privacy standards with respect to the personal information provided by its clients, suppliers and any other entity accessing its website. As such, Realty in Canada websites observes and respects all of its obligations pursuant to the Act respecting the Protection of Personal Information in the Private Sector, CQLR c P-39.1 (the “Act”).
What data constitutes “personal information”?
In general terms, any factual or subjective data regarding an identifiable person constitutes personal information. For example, data such as the name, address, age, income, ethnic background or credit file of an individual represents personal information.
In view of protecting any such personal information, this websites adopted the present privacy policy (the “Policy”) founded upon the principles of the Office of Privacy Commissioner of Canada pertaining to the collection, use, communication and access to personal information.
Said principles listed below apply to the collection, use and transmission of personal information that Internet users may provide its during access or use of the latter’s website: (the « Website »).
1. Accountability:
It is responsible for safeguarding all personal data it possesses, including information communicated to third parties in view of performing the services requested by its Internet users or for administrative purposes.
2. Reason of collecting personal information:
Before or at the time of the collection, it will inform its Website users of the reason for which their personal information is being collected.
3. Limited Collection:
Any collection of personal information is executed legally and in good faith, being limited to the data necessary for the performances of services or specific tasks requested by the Website users.
4. Consent:
Similarly, the Website users’ consent will be obtained before or at the time of the collection, use and communication of said personal information.
In this respect, said user’s consent may be given explicitly or implicitly and may also be validly obtained through an intermediary or a our authorized representative.
Moreover, the Act provides certain exceptional circumstances in which it has the right or the obligation to collect, use and communicate such personal information without obtaining the user’s prior consent
5. Limits of use, communication and storage:
As well, except for subsequent or specific authorization, personal information will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected. Said data shall only be retained for as long as necessary to accomplish the tasks or execute the services for which it was collected.
6. Accuracy of information:
The sites ensures that personal information is accurate, complete and up to date in view of executing the tasks or services for which it was collected. An Internet user may correct any inaccurate information by accessing its account through the Website or by contacting at the email and phone number listed below.
7. Safeguards:
This site implemented technology and uses industry-recognized standards for safeguarding the personal information provided by Internet users who access its Website.
8. Transparency:
The policies and procedures of the sites employ in the management of personal information are available to Internet users on its Website.
9. Access to information:
Upon receipt of a written application in this respect, the site will inform the Internet user of the existence, the use and communication of its personal information and will provide him/her with access to his/her file.
Moreover, the Act provides for some circumstances in which it has the right or the obligation to refuse access to said information.
10. Recourse:
Internet user can file a complaint or ask regarding the application of the Policy by or emdadul hoque realty Inc. which established adequate procedures for the resolution of such complaints.
In this respect, you can also communicate with us responsible for the security and protection of personal information within at [email protected]
Questions or Concerns?
If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
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